New User Registration

Sign up with Sentworks to tackle your growing Everbridge investment.

Sign Up

1. Create

Create a Sentworks User Account

2. Sign in

Login to Sentworks

3. Connect

Join or Create a new Sentworks Account

4. Notify

Notify other Admins

Quick Start

Create, sign in , connect notify Create a Sentworks User Account
- Sentworks can only be used by Organization Administrators.
- Your email address will be verified as part of the registration along with all user logins.
- Register your Sentworks user account with the email address mapped to your Everbridge user account(s).
- Use this guide to aquire an Everbridge API key: How to get and configure an Everbridge API Key

Sign into your Sentworks Account
- The API used to connect to Everbridge requires Account Admin privileges.
- When you first login you will be mapped to your Everbridge profile.
- If you have multiple Everbridge user accounts tied to the same email address, you will be asked to choose from all the accounts that are currently registered with in Sentworks.
- Switching user accounts with in Sentworks will be verified with Everbridge in real-time.

- Trials Last for 14 days.